
We count on the unwavering support of our volunteers to help make each event an outstanding success! All rowers, friends and family of rowers and sports enthusiasts are welcome to volunteer at our events – or just around the boathouse or facilities on a beautiful day. There is plenty of work for everyone!

Volunteer Program Mission

The Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center Associates (SANCA) Volunteer Program is committed to encouraging community participation and the efficient coordination of volunteers to enhance community programs and sporting events at Nathan Benderson Park.

SANCA will actively promote a mutually rewarding relationship between volunteers who offer their talents, time and skills and the park staff along with event organizers who will support them in their efforts at Nathan Benderson Park.

The SANCA Volunteer Program provides a range of opportunities to support community programs and sporting events at Nathan Benderson Park as well as a way for residents to participate in making measurable differences at the local level.

Click here to view available volunteer opportunities by searching for: sarah@sanca.us in the email search, and get involved right away!

aerial shot of Nathan Benderson Park