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Event will be Oct. 27 on the park’s west shore

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A new Halloween tradition will proceed this year, but with precautions in mind.

Nathan Benderson Park’s second annual NBP Trick Or Treat On The Lake will be Tuesday, Oct. 27, from 6-8:30 p.m. on the park’s west shore.

Last year, hundreds of children and their parents went through a line of stations representing park sponsors and community organizations, who handed out individually wrapped candy and treats supplied by the park. Children enjoyed a hay maze installed by Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance (LWRBA) volunteers, and watched a family-friendly Halloween movie on the park’s large mobile video board. Kids also got their energy out on the park playground, which was next to a Sarasota County Fire Rescue truck opened up for tours.

This year, social distancing and other precautions help ensure safety amid the ongoing pandemic. Candy stations will be spread out along a longer route on the park’s northwest shore to ensure social distancing. To help ensure pedestrian safety, World Championship Drive on the park’s west side will be closed to car traffic. 

As with the inaugural 2019 event, pedestrians will walk into the park from the Regatta Island parking lot and from the green parking lot beside the SCAT transfer station. The hay maze is in place, having been installed Oct. 2 by LWRBA volunteers. But there will be volunteers at the park entries, regulating the number of families to ensure social distancing along the candy route.

“Last year, the inaugural NBP Trick or Treat on the Lake was a hit and we enjoyed serving our community and giving families a safe Halloween trick or treat event,” SANCA Chief Operating Officer Stephen V. Rodriguez said. “Things have changed a bit this past year, but we will still have fun with some different rules, with safety still being the priority. We welcome all families and ask parents to help us practicing social distancing and keeping those masks on, and not just the scary kind.”

More details are coming for this free event. Find more information at the events page on

aerial shot of Nathan Benderson Park