Issuance of Request for Proposal for Design Services

Click here to view RFP for Design Services


RFP Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (Updated 2/10/25):

Question: The RFP asks that we have $10 million per occurrence professional liability errors and omissions coverage. Would standard coverage of $2/4 million be acceptable, or if not, and the $10 million is still required, can pricing in terms of our standard coverage be submitted, with it noted that $10 million could be added later if underwriting/coverage pricing is successful?

Answer: Qualify your RFP response with your standard coverages


Question: The RFP asks that we provide 5 references from general contractors.  While we can provide this, would you like our references to include both owners and general contractors?

Answer: Yes, your references may include both general contractors and owners.


Question: The RFP mentions there may be pre-submittal conference.

Answer: This is just a placeholder giving the owner the option of scheduling meetings in the event they are needed for further clarifications.


Question: The RFP mentions we should include the AIA contract as part of our attachments.  We can provide that now if you like, we would just need all of the owner “fill in the blank” information to complete it. Alternatively, we could acknowledge we’ll utilize the AIA format as noted, and complete it later if successful. If you would like it completed now, can you issue the owner information for us to insert?

Answer: The intent is to solicit your typical contract format and specific qualifications. In The AIA format specified in the RFP (A141) was an error. This format is more commonly used in “Design Build” The preferred format will be B271.


Question: The RFP mentions the building program and in the SD phase of the scope, the RFP mentions general site design.  Later, during DD and CDs the RFP mentions that we will coordinate site engineering, but that could be inferred that others might be performing those services and we are there to coordinate only but not perform the engineering as part of our team.  So that the bidders’ scopes of work are priced from the same perspective, can you confirm for all the bidders if site civil engineering, grading, erosion control, paving and parking, roads and sidewalks, utilities, storm water management, hardscape and plazas, landscaping, irrigation, and site lighting are included in the scope all the way through DD, CDs, permitting and construction related services? If they are being performed outside of this scope of work, can you delineate where the services for this contract will end and the work performed by others will commence?

Answer: All engineering required from SD through submission of CD’s for permit must be included as part of the design RFP scope.


Question: Similarly, can you note if site surveying is to be included in our scope of work or if that will be provided by others to the successful consultant team? If we are to provide surveying, can you confirm if underground location services should be included in this topo survey? This will make a big difference in the price of surveying services. If site topo and underground location utility surveying is to be included, can you let us know if there is an existing boundary survey that can be utilized (this would save costs) or if we need to also provide boundary information for the island site area?  If we are to provide utility underground surveying, can you provide some degree of the limits (i.e…are all the services already available on the island, or should the survey extend back to some point on the surround land and if so, how far)?

Answer: Site surveying will be provided by others per industry standard.


Question:  Should geotechnical exploration be included in our scope of work or will it be provided separately?

Answer: Please provide a line item for typical Geotech exploration required for structural engineering.


Question: The RFP states that AIA A141 agreement is the preferred form of agreement. This document is a contract between Owner and Design-Builder. Is the intent for this project to be Design-Build, or will another AIA contract template be used?

Answer: The AIA format number was specified in error. It should have been B271. This RFP is for design services only.


Question: The RFP mentions the building program and in the SD phase of the scope, the RFP mentions general site design.  Later, during DD and CDs the RFP mentions that we will coordinate site engineering, but that could be inferred that others might be performing those services and we are there to coordinate only but not perform the engineering as part of our team.  So that the bidders’ scopes of work are priced from the same perspective, can you confirm for all the bidders if site civil engineering, grading, erosion control, paving and parking, roads and sidewalks, utilities, storm water management, hardscape and plazas, landscaping, irrigation, and site lighting are included in the scope all the way through DD, CDs, permitting and construction related services? If they are being performed outside of this scope of work, can you delineate where the services for this contract will end and the work performed by others will commence?

Answer: Responding as Architect only is acceptable and encouraged.


Question: Who will be listed as Owner on the design contact (Conservancy, County, SFC)?

Answer: The Owner of the contract will be the conservancy


Question: Exhibit B states that the professional liability insurance limit is not less than $10 million. In our experience, this is a very high amount for a project of this type, we typically see a limit of $2 million for similar projects. Will the Owner consider lower limits?

Answer: Qualify your proposal with the typical coverage you carry on similar size projects.


Question: What is the construction cost budget for this project?

Answer: The current budgetary number for the entire effort is approximately $60 MM.


Question: Does the Owner have a target occupancy date?

Answer: There is a high level project schedule, but a specific target date for occupancy has not been identified. This is typically defined further along in the design process.


Question: Is a pause in the design schedule anticipated between Phase 1 and Phase 2?

Answer: This is unknown, but every effort will be made to maintain momentum for the entire course of the project.


Question: Will any disciplines be contracted directly to the Owner, such as civil engineering, cost estimator, geotechnical engineer, materials testing, surveying, and permit expediter? These are disciplines typically held by the Owner. If included, please break out as individual items.

Answer: The owner will be contracting civil directly.


Question: Is there a template we should use for submitting fees? We assume that the following design phases shall be included: programming, schematic design, design development, construction administration, bidding/negotiation, and construction administration. We assume each team shall include the following disciplines: architecture/interiors, structural engineering, MEP engineering, landscape architecture, audio-visual, IT, acoustics, food service, lighting, FFE, and branding. Please confirm the above.

Answer: Use the industry standard AIA for design services.


Question: The Phase 2 services listed in the RFP do not include construction administration. Please confirm this is to be included.

Answer: Yes, Construction Administration is typically provided during construction.


Question: Are there any MBE/WBE goal requirements?

Answer: The conservancy is a political subdivision. As such the process will be carried out in compliance with all statutory requirements regarding MBE/WBE participation.

Question: Are there any sustainability goals or certifications (such as LEED) that we should include in our response?


Answer: No


Question: Should civil engineering be included, or has the Conservancy already contracted with someone.

Answer: The owner will be contracting civil directly.


Question: Is there a proposed area or further instruction as to where initial designs and design references should be included?

Answer: They may be included immediately following Project Challenges


Question: Page counts are listed next to each section.  Do these represent a min/max requirement or serve as a suggestion?

Answer: This is a suggested guideline, not a requirement.


Question: Has a construction delivery method been determined? (CMAR or Hard Bid)

Answer: Not at this time.


Question: Has a project budget or construction budget been identified?

Answer: The current budgetary number for the entire effort is approximately $60 MM.


Question: Please confirm what type of costs are intended in the Pricing Breakdown (ie design service fees, construction costs, or both).

Answer: Show the amortization of your fees across the projected schedule in the form of percentages. Fees to be negotiated per Florida statutory requirements. Show estimated construction costs of projected design per sq ft.


Question: Confirm this should indeed be the AIA A141, which is a design-build agreement versus an AIA B101, which is the owner-architect agreement.

Answer: Use AIA format B271, typically used for design services, and break each of these services out in the schedule of values.


Question: Page 1 of the RFP identifies the project will be 150,000 sf +/-, but the program exhibit identifies ~183,000 sf +/-. Can you please confirm which area is correct?

Answer: Refer to the program. The proposed footprint is 150k sq ft. The proposed interior space is just over 180K sq ft.


Question: Can you please confirm if the client team is wanting to see the full proposed design team (MEP, Structure, etc) or only information for the Architects at this time

Answer: Per the RFP, the owner would like to see the proposed team, understanding this could be impacted by timeline.


Question: There appears to be no mention of exterior sports fields in the program or RFP. If there are exterior sports fields, is the intent for the design team to design and coordinate this scope?

Answer: There are no exterior athletic fields planned at this time


Question: There appears to be no mention of parking spaces or site improvements in the program or RFP. Is the design and coordination of parking spaces and site improvements part of the design team scope?

Answer: Yes, the proposed design will need to include Landscaping, parking and utilities.


Question: Page 1 of 12 says ‘each submitter will be evaluated based on their Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) and initial design or design references.’ Is the client team desiring to see design work that is specific to this project and the site?

Answer: Owner would be interested in seeing examples of similar projects you have completed as well as any preliminary concepts you may have for this project.


Question: Under Phase 2 Permitting, Review and Approval, a scope of work identified is to assist Owner with marketing materials and renderings.  Can you identify the type of assistance needed for marketing materials and an anticipated number of renderings to include in our proposal?

Answer: Qualify your proposal with the what you typically provide in similar projects.


Question: Does the Client anticipate hiring a Construction Manager for pre-construction activities, if so is there an anticipated timing to bring them on the project and anticipated scope?

Answer: That has not been determined at this time. This should be addressed in final negotiations.


Question: Will Sports Facilities Company (“SFC”) serve as the Owner Representative for this project?  If so, can you provide a brief description of services to be provided by SFC?

Answer: SFC’s current contract only goes through delivery of schematic design.


Question: Can you further define the scope requested for a “Facility Maintenance Plan”?

Answer: The Facility Maintenance Plan should include a high level overview of activities required to maintain the proposed design as it relates to safety, performance, longevity, sustainability, compliance.





aerial shot of Nathan Benderson Park